Article from The Boston Globe

Today I had a very pleasant surprise – The Kessel Runway was mentioned (and linked to), in an article in the fashion section of the The Boston Globe titled ‘Star Wars, Covergirl, and the rise of geek women’. The author, S.I. Rosenbaum, talks about the successful Covergirl x Star Wars collection, and how female fans have always been around – making things on their own to fill gaps in the market.

All this home industry has been created to fill a gap left by producers and merchandisers who have long thought of science fiction as masculine entertainment — even though they had a huge female audience.

It’s so great to read an article that acknowledges the long-standing existence of female Star Wars/sci-fi fans – and that we would spend money on geek-branded fashion/cosmetic products if companies would only make more. It’s not only men who want Star Wars apparel and accessories – I think it’s great to see a company like Covergirl (with a very female-targeted product line) feature Star Wars products, and I hope to see more in the future.

Read the full article – ‘Star Wars, Covergirl, and the rise of geek women’