Chewbacca messenger bags

I like the Chewbacca messenger bag available from Thinkgeek, a perfect example of taking an on-screen item and making a real world version for wearing. Bioworld has also made a slightly different version – described as ‘mini’ but I’m unable to confirm it’s exact measurements (ebay descriptions range). Both are faux leather with the Star Wars logo stamped on the front flap, with an adjustable shoulder strap with Chewbacca’s bandolier design. Thinkgeek’s bag retails for US$89.99, Bioworld’s bag ranges from US$43 to US$50 on ebay. The landscape orientation of the Thinkgeek version is suitable to fitting netbooks (up to 11″), whereas the portrait orientation Bioworld version seems to be more ‘handbag’ in design. It’s great that there are options out there for women to chose between! Check out the links below for more information and to purchase –

Chewbacca Messenger bag available at Thinkgeek

Chewbacca ‘mini’ messenger bag available on ebay


Photos sourced from and belong to Thinkgeek and Newbury Comics.