Today, the galaxy has lost a princess – our beloved Carrie Fisher has passed away. Upon reading the news, I just froze, unable to process it, and then the tears came. She has had an immeasurable impact on my life, and I am very fortunate to have been able to meet her on several occasions.
Today has been so very hard. It feels like loosing a close family member – Princess Leia has been such a big part of my life, and it hurts so much to think about Carrie no longer being with us. When getting a photo with Carrie and Mark at Celebration Anaheim last year, we not-so-jokingly called it our family photo.
I was interviewed by a few local news outlets today, and it was a struggle not to break down while talking. It was an honour to be asked to talk about Carrie and her impact on my life. Both on-screen and off-screen, she has been a role model and hero for so many, and it is with such sadness we now face a world without her.
Farewell Carrie, thank you for being my Princess.