Happy 20th Anniversary Star Wars Episode 1! I can’t believe it has been twenty years since the world was introduced to characters like Queen Amidala, Darth Maul, and Qui-Gon Jinn. This movie played a huge part in my Star Wars fandom journey, as I’m sure it does for many fans – so of course I am celebrating today with my favourite Episode 1 fashion.
I can’t talk about The Phantom Menace fashion without highlighting Fifth Sun. They are the only brand that has licensed Star Wars Queen Amidala apparel available on an on-going basis! Honestly, there should be way more brands including this major female character in their apparel range – so massive applause to Fifth Sun for stepping up!
I love the Fifth Sun Queen Amidala design so much, I have both the women’s t-shirt and the women’s tank top versions! I really love the gorgeous artwork, it really captures Amidala’s beauty so well.
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- Queen Amidala Tops – US$25.99 each (Fifth Sun)
- Queen Amidala Tops – US$19.49 each each (Fifth Sun/Amazon)

Sadly, a lot of great Queen Amidala fashion is limited and/or no longer available. In 2017 this women’s white tee with black and white Queen Amidala artwork was available from Forever 21 – I should have bought more than one, I could honestly wear this tee everyday.
I was so exited to see that Queen Amidala was included in the range of print-on-demand t-shirt designs at the Celebration Store at Celebration Chicago 2019. I wish this artwork (minus the convention details) was available on apparel on an on-going basis to be available to fans everywhere – and those who didn’t want to brave the Celebration Store queue!

A couple of my other favourite Queen Amidala themed fashion items are the ‘Queen’ t-shirt by Her Universe, and the Queen Amidala silk scarf by Ralph Marlin. Of course, these are both long sold out – and while I am very happy to own these, at the same time I am almost scared to wear and use them, as I can’t replace them. Honestly, the world just needs way more Queen Amidala in it.

Just like apparel, there aren’t many handbag options for prequel fans. In 2017 Loungefly released a limited edition ‘red astromech’ dome handbag for Valentine’s Day. While some called it a ‘red R2-D2’ it is actually R2-D9, the red astromech aboard the Naboo starship in The Phantom Menace. So, technically prequel era, but the connection was pretty subtle.
I was excited to see Loungefly step up and really embrace The Phantom Menace last year with a chibi character design backpack and coin purse! I grabbed the coin purse the moment it was available, and the backpack is on my wish list. I love that the design includes two versions of Padme’ Amidala on it!
- Check out my review of the Loungefly R2-R9 handbag here – the bag is sold out from suppliers but you can still find it on eBay.
- Loungefly Episode 1 bags – US$10.50 to US$42.90 each (Amazon)

I’ve had these Episode One pins for so long, I honestly don’t remember where I got them! For so long, they were my only option for adding Queen Amidala or Episode 1 themed accessories to my Star Wars outfits. I love that fans are joining to the modern pin craze, there are some great fan designs celebrating The Phantom Menace available nowadays.

I understand it can be hard to translate ‘face’ characters into jewelry designs – that’s why there is a lot of Darth Vader and R2-D2 necklaces, not so many Luke Skywalker necklaces. Instead, Star Wars is full of symbols that work really well for jewelry – and the Naboo symbol will always be closely associated to Padme’ Amidala and the prequel era. But why is so hard to find the Naboo symbol on anything?
The only licensed jewelry to use the Naboo symbol are the dangle earrings by Her Universe, released many years ago. I loved them so much, I bought two pairs – but sadly the earring hooks on both sets have tarnished over the years – even though I’ve only worn one pair. More companies need to include the Naboo symbol in their Star Wars jewelry range – it’s subtle, pretty, and a great celebration of Padme’ Amidala, the queens of Naboo, and their brave handmaidens.
After so many years of waiting for a licensed japor snipper necklace, I made my own version two years ago – so of course I was so happy to see Body Vibe finally release a version at Celebration Chicago this year. I love it so much, but I need more – matching earrings, rings and bracelets!
- Star Wars Japor Snippet Necklace – US$34.99 each (Amazon)

As we often see in geek fashion, where there is a gap in the licensed market, fan labels step up to meet demand. One of my favourite designers for Padme’ Amidala fashion is Elhoffer Design. She has made many Padme’ inspired items over the years – and of course I try to buy as many as I can.
I have to say, the Galactic Queen cape is one of my all-time favourite Star Wars fashion items ever. Queen Amidala’s throne room gown is just so iconic, the details of this cape really capture the drama and elegance in a real-world wearable design. I wore this cape for my Celebration Chicago panel presentation, and it really gave me the confidence I needed!

Elhoffer Design also has a dolman cardigan inspired by Queen Amidala’s senate gown – a little less dramatic than the cape, but perfect for everyday comfort and Naboo royal style.
These two Queen Amidala cardigans are still available from Elhoffer Design – as well as a gorgeous tunic inspired by the Naboo handmaidens, and a cardigan inspired by Sabe’s battle outfit! Seriously, I want her whole range.
- Galactic Queen Cape – US$145.00 each – one size
- Galactic Appeal Dolman Cardigan – US$120.00 each – sizes XS/L, XL/3X

Another great place to get my fix of gorgeous Queen Amidala fashion is Fashion For Fans. Their range is available via print-on-demand companies like RedBubble and TeePublic – and includes designs inspired by Padme’s outfits and even the Naboo symbol.
My favourite design from their range is, not surprisingly, this beautiful chiffon shirt inspired by Queen Amidala’s throne room gown. Check out my review of this gorgeous shirt here – it’s my go-to top for putting together a Padme’ inspired outfit.
- Queen Amidala Chiffon Shirt – US$24.85 each – sizes XS to 2XL (RedBubble)
I really do need to add more fan designs to my wardrobe – it’s great that there are more and more options – guess I better get shopping for those gorgeous designs I’ve had my eye on! Padme’ Amidala means so much to me, I really love celebrating her with my wardrobe. To read more on my thoughts on Padme’ Amidala fashion, check out my post from 2016.
Happy Anniversary Star Wars Episode 1!