Happy Birthday George Lucas!
As the creator of Star Wars, George has a special place in my heart. Without his imagination, my life would be very different – so I spent today reflecting on his influence and legacy as a filmmaker and central source of the Star Wars saga.
Star Wars is how I met my husband, and is the central core of my day-to-day life, as well as my wardrobe, my hobbies, my holidays – you get the point! I even have a wedding card signed by George Lucas – a friend of my husband got him to sign it for us, and even photographed him signing the card as well.
I am lucky to have seen George Lucas at Celebration conventions twice! The first time was way back at Celebration III in 2005, and more recently at Celebration Orlando in 2017. It was really special to see him in person both times, and hear his stories.
Happy Birthday George Lucas! I wish you all the best, and thank you so much for giving us this amazing galaxy to play in.