Today’s Mos Eisley Marketplace find is this Imperial Academy handbag made by Etsy seller BenaeQuee Creations. The Empire themed handbag is made from grey vinyl with a classic Imperial cog on the front, with the text ‘Imperial Academy’. Inside the bag is lined with printed fabric featuring Stormtroopers, and the black and white shoulder strap is removable.
The bag measures about 9″ wide 3″ deep. There is a zipper on the top to keep it closed, and a removable shoulder strap, should you want to use it as a makeup bag or catch all. The shoulder strap measures about 50″
The bag is priced at US$95.00 each – – BenaeQuee Creations can ship to the US, Canada, and the UK. To read more about BenaeQuee Creations, check out our interview here.
Imperial Academy shoulder bag – US$95.00 each
Photos sourced from and belong to Etsy/BenaeQuee Creations.