Interview with Miss E’s Accessories

Interview with Miss E’s Accessories

Today’s Mos Eisley Marketplace article features Star Wars fan and geek accessory designer Eloria LeBlanc, of Miss E’s Accessories. Eloria makes a wonderfully cute range of Star Wars inspired jewelry, featuring popular Star Wars characters like Rey, Leia, and R2-D2. Her classic design is a heart shaped pendant, perfect for showing your affection for your favourite character. I just love her designs – it’s neat to see Oola included in her range, but I think the Rey necklace is my favourite! 🙂

Prices for the Star Wars accessories range from US$8.oo to US$22.00 each (depending on design) – Miss E’s Accessories can ship internationally.

Shop Miss E’s Accesories handcrafted Star Wars jewelry on Etsy

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MIss E's Accessories - Mandalorian necklace

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to ask Eloria a few questions about her range of Star Wars accessories, her favourite Star Wars fashion, and how she got started making geek themed jewelry. Read on for the full interview and photos –

MIss E's Accessories - C-3PO necklace

How long have you been creating your geek jewelry?

I’ve been creating jewelry since I was in college since 2008. I noticed a customer who frequented my coffee house, and she always had the best jewelry on. She taught me how to bead, and eventually she taught me how to work with polymer clay. I even worked for her bead shop for about 2 years. However, I got really motivated and started on my geek adventure about 3 years ago now. I made a Chewbacca heart for myself to wear to a function for my mardi gras krewe: Chewbacchus.

MIss E's Accessories - Chewbacca necklace

What inspired you to start designing and creating geek themed jewelry?

I guess you could say Chewbacchus got me motivated to start my geek craft journey. I have had my Etsy shop since 2010, and it was a bit all over the place for a long time, everything from beaded jewelry to crochet to polymer clay. Making the Chewbacca heart, and having people react in such a positive manner spurred me on to create more geek niche jewelry. I found more focus, clarity, passion, pride, and love in what I was doing. Suddenly, spending an hour to cut, roll, and lay each hair on a project like Chewbacca made me happy! I even re-branded (new logo) after realizing others loved my new geek work as much as I did.

MIss E's Accessories - Rey pendant in progress MIss E's Accessories - Rey necklace

What are some of your favourite Star Wars fashion items in your wardrobe or wishlist (can be something you’ve made/plan to make)?

Favorite Star Wars fashion items I own: My engagement ring! It’s from Paul Michael Jewelry on Etsy. It looks like Princess Leia’s belt that accents her white dress. It’s subtle, but anyone who knows gets it immediately. I’d have to say my R2-D2 dress from Her Universe is probably next on my list because of sentiment. I wore it to The Force Awakens premiere where my fiance’ proposed. Lastly, My Chewbacca and R2-D2 heart pendants. R2-D2 is my favorite Star Wars character, and Chewbacca started it all.

MIss E's Accessories - R2-D2 necklace

Do you have any particular favourite Star Wars fashion brands (licensed or fan made)?

My favorite Star wars fashion brands, well, Her Universe I feel goes without saying. I have always been satisfied with my purchases from them. I’ve been keeping an eye on Elhoffer Design too. I haven’t purchased anything yet, but I plan to. Her designs are impeccable, subtle, classy, but geeky. I strive for those things in my own creations too. I also have been dying to buy a pair of custom pair of shoes from Siegda on Etsy. Perhaps, I will get my wedding shoes from them. (Yes, our wedding is Star Wars themed on Star Wars day too!)

MIss E's Accessories - Princess Leia necklace

Do you have a personal favourite design from your own range of Star Wars themed jewelry?

Personal favorite? Tough question! I love the Death Star earrings, simple and subtle, could even be worn in a professional setting.

MIss E's Accessories - Death Star earrings

What materials do you use to create your custom jewelry?

All my designs are sculpted by my hands. I use almost exclusively polymer clay. It’s such a versatile medium, and if you know the right tricks you can get it to do almost anything.

MIss E's Accessories - R2-D2 heart pendant in progress MIss E's Accessories - R2-D2 heart pendant in progress

Can customers commission you for custom jewelry designs?

Of course! I love custom orders, you never know when they will turn into something more. My latest custom commission, the Oola twi’lek pendant started as a customer request. Now, I offer it in my shop! I also love working with cosplay enthusiasts to put the finishing touch on their costumes. I’ve made items like a full set of jewelry for a Harley Quinn prom cosplay to an X-Men pendant for Jubilee cosplay. I am currently hoping that a twi’lek cosplayer will reach out and get me to make a design matching their character! However, I’m pretty much down with anything.

MIss E's Accessories - Oola necklace

Which is the best way for fans to get in touch with you regarding purchasing an item?

Etsy is the best place to contact me about purchasing an item or asking about custom orders:

Where can fans follow Miss E’s Accessories on social media?

Follow me:
Twitter: @Miss_3s
Instagram: @miss3s

MIss E's Accessories - Boba Fett necklace

Many thanks to Eloria for her time in answering my questions. I love her cute heart-shaped designs, so you can show your affection for your favourite Star Wars character. It’s great to see creative fans adding their own unique designs to the world of Star Wars fashion, I look forward to seeing which new designs Eloria will make next!

MIss E's Accessories - Chewbacca necklace

Photos sourced from and belong to Miss E’s Accessories.