These ewok coin purses were one of those finds I came across by accident, while doing my usual online Star Wars fashion searches. They are made by the Japanese company Ensky, and as noted on the tag, these are for sale in Japan only. There are three ewok coin purses in the range – Wicket, Paploo, and Chirpa. Thankfully, a few ebay sellers in Japan have these available on ebay, so I was able to purchase all three for my collection! The original price (including tax) is ¥1,620 each, which is approximately US$13.15 each. There are several currently available on ebay, with prices ranging from US$28.50 to US$54.99 each (shipping rates and policies vary by seller).
While the description translates to ‘face pouch’, I have seen them advertised as coin purses. Each pouch features a different ewok face, made from a wonderfully soft fluffy fabric, with embroidered eyes, nose, and mouth. Each ewok has a fabric hood as the main part of the pouch, with decorations made with felt (Wicket and Paploo also feature cord details). The website notes these as measuring 140mm without the ears – each one of mine measures approximately 145mm across, and approximately 105mm high. The tags are almost completely in Japanese, which I can’t read, so I don’t know what else the text mentions – not that a coin purse needs instructions! Each pouch features a plastic zipper in a matching colour across the top of the ‘hood’, behind the ears. The front ‘face’ part is stuffed like a soft toy, while the back has a layer of padding – they have a very soft and cuddly feel. You could use these pouches to hold all sorts of small items in your handbag – cash, keys, hair ties etc – a cute Star Wars character to carry with you wherever you go.