Today is 9th December here in New Zealand – Wear Star Wars Share Star Wars Day! This year is the seventh year the event has been run, encouraging fans to wear something Star Wars, and donate a Star Wars toy to a local charity collecting for children’s Christmas presents. The event was inspired by the story of a girl called Katie being bullied for liking Star Wars – so what better event for this website to get behind! Star Wars is definitely for female fans, and I’m proud to wear Star Wars apparel as much as I can.
Wear Star Wars Share Star Wars Day is an opportunity to wear your favorite Star Wars clothing, donate new Star Wars toys to needy kids in time for the holidays, AND take a stand against gender-based bullying!
The celebration will last through the premier of Rogue One next weekend, so you have more than one chance to show your Star Wars spirit.
How can you join in? It’s easy –
Wear something that shows your Star Wars pride.
Donate a new, unwrapped Star Wars toy to a child in need (but please put a post-it note on each new, unwrapped toy specifying that it can go to a girl or a boy; otherwise, these traditional “boy toys” will be given only to boys).
Share a picture of yourself in your Star Wars clothing or costume on the Facebook event page or on Twitter with the hashtag #WearShareStarWars2016
For further information, visit the website or the Facebook event page. You can also participate on social media with the hashtag #WearStarWars2016